Projects on AI and education
VoLL-KI isn’t the only project dealing with AI and education. On this page, we present a collection of related projects in similar fields. We welcome suggestions for other projects that are missing from the list. Unfortunately, only a small number of them have websites that are also available in English.
- AIStudyBuddy of Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Ruhr Universität Bochum and RWTH Aachen
- CAVAS+ – Computer-Assistenz zur Validierung und Akkreditierung von Studienordnungen zur Verbesserung der Studierbarkeit of University of Potsdam
- HASKI – Hochschuladaptives System zur Kompetenzentwicklung und -prüfung in Informatik von der OTH Regensburg, TH Aschaffenburg and Hochschule Kempten
- AI for all – Einführung in die künstliche Intelligenz of Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
- KNIGHT – Künstliche Assistenz für Lehrende und Studierende of HFT Stuttgart
- Komp-HI – Fachliche und überfachliche Kompetenzen durch soziotechnisches Design von Systemen hybrider Intelligenz flexibel und individuell fördern of University of Kassel
Lists of projects which are also funded by the BMBF can be found here:
- Projects on AI as teaching content
- Projects on AI-based tools to support teaching and administration in higher education
- Projects on AI as teaching content and on AI-based tools to support teaching and administration in higher educationu