
At CICM in Montréal a paper about reusing learning objects in ALeA was presented: Kohlhase, M., Schütz, M. (2024). Re-Using Learning Objects via Theory Morphisms. In: Kohlhase. A., Kovács, L. (eds) Intelligent Computer Mathematics. 17th International Conference, CICM 2024, Montréal, QC, Canad...

Category: News, General

Tasks must be formalized in order to be usable in adaptive learning systems. The Y-model provides a model for such a formalization. Marc Berges presented the model in a paper at GeCon and the corresponding paper with Dominic Lohr, Max Rapp, Dennis Müller and Michael Kohlhase has now also been publis...

Category: News, General

At the halfway point of the project, we exchanged information about the current status at the three participating universities at the fourth milestone meeting. After the previous meetings in Erlangen and Coburg, we met this time - appropriately for the project's halfway point - at the central locati...

Category: News, General, Verbund

Teaching AI content using AI systems was the topic of the AI4AI workshop. The event was part of the Eurpoean Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Krakow. Representatives from all three VoLL-KI sites successfully submitted papers: Coburg: 'Topic Segmentation of Educational Video Lectures Usi...

Category: News, General, Verbund

The Long Night of Science in Erlangen and Nuremberg offers insights into various research activities. For the VoLL-KI project, Marc Berges, Dennis Müller, Felix Grelka, Marcel Schütz, Max Rapp and Theresa Kruse the ALeA learning platform. Many students were particularly interested in the possibiliti...

Category: News, General

This Symposium of the Project 'QUADIS - Qualität digitaler Lehre steigern' was combied with the Tag der Lehre at FAU. Thus, there were two days in Bamberg and one in Nuremberg. In Nuremberg, Theresa Kruse presented the most important features of ALeA and offered a first look at evaluation results...

Category: News, General

How do learners and instructors benefit from ALeA? We presented the main features on a poster at the Workshop KI-Bildung in Berlin. The workshop was part of the Informatikfestival, the annual conference of the German Informatics Society. Jonas was there for our project and gives some impressions in ...

Category: News, General

When correcting exams, a distinction is often only made between correct and incorrect answers. A more precise analysis, especially of incorrect answers, is often not possible for resource reasons. To address this, answer classes for exam questions were developed deductively in the project, which the...

Category: News, General

Five papers from around ALeA were presented at the CICM-Conference in Cambridge. Four of them in workshops and once in the main track. There is a contribution to the latter in the proceedings: Berges, M., Betzendahl, J., Chugh, A., Kohlhase, M., Lohr, D., Müller, D. (2023). Learning Support Syste...

Category: News, General

The AI4AI workshop at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) addresses how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to teach and learn about AI. In ALeA, symbolic AI techniques are used to create customised guided tours based on user models. Jonas Betzendahl will present what this...

Category: News, General