
We are very pleased to welcome Abhishek Chugh to our VoLL-KI team. Abhishek is a software engineer and has worked on products such as Adobe Illustrator, Google Maps and Google Pay. He is passionate about organizing knowledge from different perspectives in a way that allows readers to effortlessly...

Category: General

We are very pleased to welcome Max Rapp to our VoLL-KI team. After his undergraduate studies in philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy and an MSc in philosophy of science at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Max obtained his MSc in logic at the University of Amsterdam. ...

Category: News, General

We are very pleased to welcome Timur Fayzrakhmanov to our VoLL-KI team. After completing his master's degree in information technology and software systems at the Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. Tupolev, Timur decided to extend his expertise and to receive his second master's de...

Category: News, General

Hello World! Today, three universities are joining forces to revolutionize higher education. Together with Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg and Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg, we will develop interesting services for students based on a combination of data- and knowledge-bas...

Category: News, General